
Thursday, 4 April 2013

Freya and Beau


Freya was out on her usual Sunday walk. Ever since Darleen had passed, she appreciated the world a lot more, and liked to celebrate the end of each beautiful week by strolling around Pleasantview's lovely streets. She had planned a trip to the park today (which she hadn't visited in a long time) but took a wrong turning outside her house. She got slightly worried when she didn't reach the park in the 10 minute walk she had planned, and was eventually going in circles. She decided to ask someone for directions.

"Get the post will you Beau?" called Brandi. "If you do you get an extra pork chop!"
Beau leaped up quickly. He had been a lot hungrier since he had matured into a teen. He hopped down the steps with a spring. He walked down to the letter box but stopped when he saw someone walking along the road.

Freya noticed a boy about her age, maybe a bit younger standing in his garden. "Excuse me." she called desperate for help, it was starting to get a bit dark. "Do you know where I am? I'm really confused, I'm completely lost."

Beau had never seen anyone as beautiful. Her pretty sundress suited her, and her smile made his heart flutter. "Well, you're on Main Street." he stuttered, hoping his voice sounded mature and deep. "Where are you hoping to go?"

This boy was a bit wierd. He was bright pink, and seemed to be sweating. Freya wished she had asked someone a bit more helpful, she had no idea where or what Main Street was. "I was wanting to go to the park, but now I guess it's too late, do you know the wayfrom here to Sim Lane?"

The girl looked puzzeled. He was making himself look like a fool! He knew where Sim Lane was, he knew the way but he couldn't get the words out. "I'm Beau" he ended up saying lamely.

"Right...Beau do you know where Sim Lane is then or not?" Freya was slightly bored of this boy, he wasn't improving her worried mood. But then she remembered an old anecdote her mum used to tell her.

"Brandi's kid?!" the girl said suddenly smiling.
"That's me"
"My mum used to babysit you! And my aunt used to date your brother."
Beau was confused. "Who's your mum?"
"Lilith Pleasant! She's friendly with your mum I think. I'm not her real daughter, I'm adopted, that's probably why you haven't heard about me, my mum hasn't seen yours in years! I'm Freya." The girl held out a hand with perfect nails. Beau shook it nervously.

"Would you like to come in?" The boy offered. "My mum's making pork chops, she'd like to see you probably, and I'm sure our mum's will get together at some point!" Freya felt suddenly shy. The boy seemed a lot more confident now, even if his palms were a bit sweaty. He seemed really nice, he told her that her dress was lovely, and that he wished his hair was that colour. She got the feeling he might like her.

Beau got the feeling Freya knew he liked her at dinner. She was easy to have a conversation with, and she really hit it off with Brandi. There was a slight blip when Chris opened his stupid mouth. "Did Beau force you to come in to dinner? I think he wants you to be his girlfriend. He luuuuurves you!" Luckily Freya laughed, otherwise Beau might have had to move to the city to start a new life and never be seen again.

Freya like Beau, and his family. Chris seemed cute, and Brandi was lovely. As for Beau, he seemed shy, but Freya thought he was adoreable, he was very handsome when he wasn't sweating.

Beau finally told Freya the way home, and she thanked him for a lovely evening. He awkwardly reached out and patted her arm. "What the hell am I doing?" Beau thought desperately.

"What the hell is he doing?" thought Freya, wanting to laugh at his cuteness.

And because there was nothing else for them to do, they hugged.

And because there was nothing else for them to do, they kissed and fell in love.

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